ArXiv Notes

Brant Robertson bio photo By Brant Robertson

ArXiv Notes for 03/29/2017

On the effective turbulence driving mode of molecular clouds formed in disc galaxies

By Keitaro Jin, et al., 1703.09709

Measured the \(b = \sigma_\rho / \mathcal{M}\) parameter for molecular clouds in disk simulations. The parameter has a lower limit of \(b>0.2\), and shows a broad distribution between compressive and solenoidal. The \(b\) value increases with resolution.

Fast and scalable Gaussian process modeling with applications to astronomical time series

By Daniel Foreman-Mackey et al., 1703.09710

Applications of Gaussian process modeling to transits, oscillations, etc.

The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Continuum data and source catalog release

By Vernesa Smolcic, et al., 1703.09713

VLA observations at 3GHz in COSMOS, reaching 2.3 \(\mu\)Jy/beam, with >10000 radio sources.

Lots of VLA-COSMOS papers.

Interpreting the Star Formation Efficiency of Molecular Clouds with Ionising Feedback

By Sam Geen, et al., 1703.10071

Star formation simulations including ionizing feedback. The time-dependent star formation efficiency in clouds can be considerably larger than \(\sim 0.01\) once ionization is accounted for.