WFIRST and LSST March 2017 Administrativa

Brant Robertson bio photo By Brant Robertson

WFIRST Administrativa

The project (Jeff Kruk) seemed very happy with the EXPO year 1 annual report. We are now faced with developing the work plan for year 2. Jeff’s instructions were:

There is no strict format for what is needed from the new work plan. I appreciate how responsive you have been to the needs of the Project over the past year. Such demands are likely to be somewhat lower in the coming years, but there will always be some. I am sure that the work plan in your proposal also had to be modified somewhat in response to the budget cuts that were imposed. If your plans for year two can be described as a given subset of what was in your proposal, then a relatively terse list of those items can be given for the year two plan, and just refer back to the proposal for details. If the original set of tasks had to be modified significantly, then at least a little more detail should be given with the Year 2 plan. I’d be happy to discuss on the phone.

We also need to submit the March report.

LSST Administrativa

Apparently not all emails on our LSST email list were carried over. Followed up with Lucianne about Matt Jarvis.

The LSST Corporation site now contains a list of approved international partners:

LSST International PI List (Password Protected)

Lucianne made a quick start guide for new members, which I’ve duplicated:

LSST New Member Quickstart Guide

Here is the form to add new members:

LSST New Member Add Form

Also, fun to see that I made the splash page border for LSST Corporation:

LSST Corporation